Private Equity Funding – USA in 1920 and India in 2020

After demonetization, which was followed by the regime of GST, the Indian economy has seen it all in the last four years. Big institutional investors from across the world are now considering this new economy as great pasture for private equity funding. Any small investor in India can also join this march of the big investors, and make money in a market, which is full of opportunities. Here, at Resurgent India, we are constantly watching the moves of the big sharks, and accordingly formulating some scenarios that can facilitate the interests of our clients in a market, which is all set to take a new leap.

private equity funding

Large Scale Projects in the Real Estate Sector Can Become the Booster

The real estate industry of India almost collapsed after the arrival of demonetization. Most of the organizations dealing with private equity funding declared it as a cash-starved industry. Indeed it was! We cannot deny the black market deals that were taking place in the unorganized sector of real estate in India. Probably, it was the reason why most of the serious private equity funding related firms, were not keen on this sector. However, the previous budget came in as a rescue when RBI said that we have done our bit by bringing down the rates of interest; now it is the job of the banks to translate it into serious business.

In the year 1920, the economists of the USA also supported this type of a move where they told the Government to come up with huge infrastructure-based projects. It indeed came out as a bailout package for the US economy. The bailout packages also helped the USA in forming a structured economy. In a recent development in India, it has been observed that institutional private equity funding players are showing a keen interest in the real estate market of India. In order to get bailout packages from the side of this private equity funding organizations, players in the real estate of India are cleaning up their books. They are also forming cartels to present their cases in front of the private equity funding firms.

The Interests of the Great Indian Working Class Can Play a Major Role

Undoubtedly some big projects are always on the cards for the new “great Indian Working class.” As a keen observer of the market, here, at Resurgent India, we can clearly see that a new economy is shaping up. Employment generation is a big question in front of the Indian government; they will certainly come up with some policies to support, and direct Private equity funding resources in a direction where it can consume great Indian working class in the machinery of job procurement and repeat the US model of economic reforms that took place in the year 1920. We, at Resurgent India, have wide experience in executing and advising Private Equity funding transactions across various industry segments including the hospitality sector, the automobile segment, the Real Estate industry and the manufacturing domain as well.

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